
Our activities, programs, events – all the things we do are on another page – click here.

This page is an overview of who we are, how we have come into being. We exist and are funded according to the rules and regulations for Substance Abuse Prevention Organizations in Rhode Island. Our full name is “The Block Island Substance Abuse Prevention and Wellness Coalition“. We were formerly called “The Prevention Task Force”. That title and our current name give rise to misconceptions. This group is not “anti” or negative, not a place for don’ts and shoulds.

Our mission is to educate substance abuse awareness and prevention in the Block Island Community, and promote wellness.

Use the menu links above to see other pages for more detail of everything, from official organizational policy and process, to what we do with young people in this community, who we are, who we work with, and how we get going. There is a distinction between Substance USE, and Substance ABUSE. There is a lot of research evidence, for example about longer term negative effects on young people whose brains are still in process of developing (such as a higher probability of becoming alcoholic later). We work to keep updated, to share the information, and to promote activities that enable wellness.

As Joel Taylor wrote in the Block Island Times: “The Wellness Coalition has a seriously deep understanding of the very root causes of drug and alcohol abuse, which are so thoroughly intertwined with mental and spiritual health. they realize it’s crucial to begin working on those things at a young age, and they dedicate a lot of their time to that cause…” [11/29/14 edition]

Elspeth Crawford, coalition member, says “Yes we are serious, and have a very serious purpose, but do not be surprised, we also have a lot of fun, plenty of good times and memories to share with friends and family met on the way.

Coalition members agree “There is no financial reward for this work, but it is our community, our families, our friends and those of us who work here that make it worth doing.”

Click here to find out how you can join, whether occasionally or more often. Enjoy Wellness. Be Well Block Island.