Off Island Resources

Wellness offers a list of websites where information about a variety of resources is available and/or phone contact can be made, but Wellness cannot be responsible for the content of these sites, nor for contacts made through them. We hope the list may help.

Alcoholics Anonymous, RI 401 438 8860

Alcoholics Anonymous, national

Counseling for Substance Abuse (CODAC) 401 942 1450

Narcotics Anonymous New England Region 877 758 5672

Narcotics Anonymous, national/world

Samariteen Confidential Crisis Listening Line 1 800 365 4044

R.I.Coalition Against Domestic Violence 1 800 494 8100

South Shore Mental Health 401 364 7705

Suicide Hotline 1 800 273 8255

Teen Hotline 401 272 4044

Addiction Center 877 655 5116

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